Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Post! :)

After a little bit of playing around, i finally figured this this out! Can't wait to start reading! :)


  1. Ok I'm trying this out. Hopefully I got my username and everything to work properly.

  2. As far as I can tell, the only thing I can do here is comment. I can't figure out if I can actually post on the blog. I'll play around with it some more...

  3. Hmmm thats strange. I'll see if it's a settings problems.

  4. I think I figured it out. I was looking at the help section and I think you need to add me as an author on your end.

    according to the thing i found it's something like: settings>permission>add author. does that make any sense?
    And if you need my email it's

  5. yup I got it :) and now I see a little bit more how this site works. thanks!!
